Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kim Bum New Drama "The Woman Who Wants to Marry Still / City Lovers" will be release in Korea on Jan

* Title: 아직도 결혼하고 싶은 여자 / Ajikdo Gyeolhonhago Shipeun Yeoja
* Also known as: The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry / City Lovers
* Genre: Romance
* Episodes: TBA
* Broadcast network: MBC
* Broadcast period: 2010-Jan-20 to TBA
* Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
* Related TV shows: The Woman Who Wants to Marry and The Man Who Can't Get Married


* Park Jin Hee as Lee Shin Young
* Uhm Ji Won as Jung Da Jung
* Wang Bit Na as Kim Boo Ki
* Kim Bum as Ha Min Jae
* Choi Chul Ho as Na Ban Suk
* Lee Pil Mo as Yoon Sang Woo
* Park Ji Young as Choi Sang Mi
* Kim Yong Hee as Ha Myung Suk
* Ahn Hye Kyung as Hye Jin
* Jun Se Hong (전세홍)

Production Credits

* Director: Kim Min Sik (김민식), Go Dong Sun
* Screenwriter: Kim In Young
* Producer:

Synopsis :

Today, there seems to be too many single women who work in the 30's. This woman has spent the years they achieve their dreams and now stands alone. They turned to the people now expect to stay but everybody's fine had been taken by the young girls who only care about the wedding. Now they are trying to fall into self-hypnosis that they are better than stuck in an unhappy marriage but they can not help but feel you're alone and lonely. "Marry Me" is a story of how women in their thirties come to face with life and discover something new about their lives.

30-year-old virgin Sin-Young journalists have called a "troublemaker reporter" but she clenched her teeth and kept digging into the work. Finally, all these efforts are rewarded with a gift for getting a scoop. Because every dog has his day, he also got his and offered an audition for a news anchor. But once again, her purpose is not to leave him in peace and brought him news of his long time girlfriend betrayal. She left him to marry a girl 12 years younger than Sin-Young.

Soon-Ae, 30 years of flight attendants, the breadwinner of the family who supported her sick father, a widow with no hope at all aunts and cousins other expectations. For him, family comes first before anything else and this is frightening all the people go. There is one person who did not leave him, but he just took advantage of the company card that gives discounts to luxury goods. One day, he bumps straight into his girlfriend with another woman in the place and in great anger, he beat him. Very soon he was introduced as "Crazy Crew" worldwide and he was fired.

Seung-Ri-known for her many love affairs. This beautiful hide the past, he was married to a man of a plutocratic family and went to New York. He proudly returned to Korea to have the baby. Then, he surprised everyone when the baby turned out to be white. He got kicked out of her husband's family and his own parents. Source of this misfortune again when he tries to avenge her playboy husband by also having an affair. Although only one-night stand with American men, he now can not turn back time. Moreover, she heard that her baby died soon after birth. Since then, he began his life again in Seoul with her friends Sin-Young and Soon-Ae.

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Hari ini, tampaknya ada terlalu banyak perempuan yang bekerja tunggal dalam 30's. Wanita ini telah menghabiskan tahun-tahun mereka mencapai impian mereka dan sekarang berdiri sendirian. Mereka berpaling kepada orang-orang sekarang berharap untuk menetap tapi semua orang baik-baik saja telah direnggut oleh gadis-gadis muda yang hanya peduli tentang pernikahan. Sekarang mereka mencoba untuk jatuh ke dalam hipnotisme diri bahwa mereka lebih baik daripada terjebak dalam perkawinan yang tidak bahagia tapi mereka tidak bisa tidak merasa sedang sendirian dan kesepian. "Menikahlah Me" adalah sebuah kisah tentang bagaimana perempuan dalam usia tiga puluhan datang muka dengan kehidupan dan menemukan sesuatu yang baru tentang kehidupan mereka.

30 tahun-perawan tua wartawan Sin-Young pernah disebut sebagai "pengacau wartawan" tapi ia menggertakkan giginya dan terus menggali ke dalam pekerjaannya. Akhirnya semua upaya ini dihargai dengan hadiah untuk mendapatkan satu sendok. Karena setiap anjing memiliki zamannya, ia juga mendapatkan miliknya dan ditawarkan audisi untuk pembaca berita. Tetapi sekali lagi, tujuan hidupnya tidak meninggalkan dia dengan damai dan membawa dia berita-nya waktu panjang pengkhianatan pacar. Dia meninggalkan dia untuk menikahi gadis 12 tahun lebih muda dari Sin-Young.

Soon-Ae, 30 tahun pramugari, adalah pencari nafkah dari keluarga yang mendukung dia sakit ayah, seorang janda tanpa harapan sama sekali bibi dan sepupu harapan lain. Baginya, keluarganya yang terlebih dahulu sebelum hal lain dan ini menakutkan semua orang pergi. Ada satu orang yang tidak meninggalkan dia, tapi dia hanya mengambil keuntungan dari kartu perusahaan yang memberikan diskon untuk barang-barang mewah. Suatu hari, ia benjolan langsung ke pacarnya dengan wanita lain di tempat itu dan dalam amarah yang sangat besar, ia mengalahkan dia. Sangat segera dia diperkenalkan sebagai "Crazy Crew" di seluruh dunia dan ia dipecat.

Seung-Ri terkenal baginya banyak hubungan cinta. Menyembunyikan indah ini masa lalu, ia menikah dengan seorang laki-laki dari sebuah keluarga plutocratic dan pergi ke New York. Dia bangga kembali ke Korea untuk melahirkan bayinya. Kemudian, ia mengejutkan semua orang ketika bayinya ternyata menjadi putih. Dia mendapatkan menendang keluar dari keluarga suaminya maupun orangtuanya sendiri. Sumber kemalangan ini kembali ketika ia mencoba untuk membalas dia playboy juga suami dengan berselingkuh. Walaupun hanya satu malam berdiri dengan pria Amerika, dia sekarang tidak bisa memutar kembali waktu. Terlebih lagi, dia mendengar bahwa bayinya mati segera setelah ia lahir. Sejak itu, ia mulai hidupnya lagi di Seoul dengan teman-temannya Sin-Young dan Soon-Ae.

cr : anggista

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Newclip from Kim Bum @ press conference TWWSWTGM

cr : meoluvdenmi@youtube
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Gummy's CD - special illustrator Goo Hye Sun

cr : DC, minjee@soompi

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FA by Stereo Pony @ KuHyeSun Chinese Fans Site

14th - Heard that the morning's itinerary was shooting at Xinwuri Station of High-speed Rail, and also Miramar. In the afternoon was the public event at Flower Expo.
I thought it would start shooting at 1.30pm, Hye Sun has finished lunch and standby.
Because of the venue was surrounded by walls, I can barely see Hye Sun.
Her manager appeared in trendy attire during the shoot
After the filming, I saw manager stared walking to their car, Hye Sun’s dressed in a Yellow jacket and boots. My friend started screaming and I waved to Hye Sun. Hye Sun responded by wave at us. Then they went to the Grand Hotel for filming
After that, Chartered car has been following them all the way to 101
firstly they shoot outdoor scenes, then film in a cake shop by Calvin and Hye Sun
With Hye Sun’s superb acting, she played the role very lively
Hye Sun glanced at us during the break, we also waved to her
they went to Shihlin Night Market after 101
When Hye Sun played the tossing game, she was not tossing but actually throwing. That’s so cute
seems like Hye Sun was very fond of shooting game, she continued to play and asked her translator to help refilling bullets
Followed by shooting about eating foods, Hyesun was also very cute. Feel that she was very interested in all those foods
After the shooting at Shihlin, Hye Sun went to have spicy hotpot
Hye Sun changed into a pair of basketball shoes, when she went in the store, she’s very excited and ran up the stairs. She’s probably starving
Bodyguards & manager have come down during meal
Manager also asked me if we have eaten
We replied that we had not
He then asked if we were not hungry
After dinner was about 10pm, then she went back to hotel and would leave Taiwan on 15th morning


15th – when Hye Sun get off the car she was wearing a coat with a hooded jacket inside, she also wear a hat
Carrying a backpack, and wearing white basketball shoes, plus tight jeans
she was holding 4 oranges in her hands
Since my friend wanted to give Hye Sun the “warm pack”, but Hye Sun did not have hands to hold it. She gave us the oranges first.
We follow her into the terminal, many people approached her and asked for a handshake
As Hye Sun need to go to the toilet, that increase our chance to be with her
My friend wanted to return the orange to Hye Sun, since she speculated that she likes it
However, Hye Sun said that she would give them to us since she’s eaten already.
When we arrived at the elevator, Hye Sun talked to my friend for a while and accepted the “warm pack”. Hye Sun’s very cute to ask her translator if she want one.
at the customs office, we bided our good-bye to Hye Sun.
and Hye Sun also waved at us to say goodbye
We watched her in silence until she left
during the car chase we have encountered some good people
Believe that it would be more successful next time
We will treat Hye Sun with Taiwan Mandarins

cr : DC

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Cafe Manolin Pics


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Lee Min Ho - Trendy No.7

cre : Minho in Destiny & as tagged

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2010 CF War rivals Rising ★: Kim Hyun Joong vs Lee Min Ho

Periklanan memiliki koneksi bisa dipecahkan dengan Star

Iklan dapat langsung mencerminkan popularitas dan gambar terbaru dari bintang-bintang di benak penonton. Terutama di periode debut, Jika mereka dapat menerima lebih dari jumlah tertentu iklan dapat meningkatkan popularitas, lebih langsung adalah penerimaan akan meningkat, Hal ini sangat penting untuk bintang baru. Tahun lalu, tingkat prihatin idola wanita sangat meningkat. Wanita berhala hampir rekening untuk mayoritas pasar industri Advertising.

Pria juga memiliki beberapa berdiri keluar dalam situasi ini. Tahun lalu, karena kinerja mereka dalam "Boys Over Flowers", dua pelaku utama Kim Hyun Joong dan Lee Min Ho memberikan kesan yang besar. Mereka hanya memiliki sedikit dukungan dan bertindak dalam periklanan setelah BOF, tentakel diperpanjang hingga kosmetik, ponsel, minuman dan pakaian kategori, dll banyak kategori. Penghasilan iklan ini di pasar mempunyai sebanyak 10 million menang. Kita bisa melihat kedua bintang populer banding dalam industri. Di masa depan, kedua bunga orang akan mengambil alih iklan di jenis gambar apa yang disajikan kepada pemirsa, saya yakin kita semua sangat penasaran.

Sebenarnya kedua orang yang mengeksplorasi tren periklanan Korea pada tahun 2009 memiliki banyak kesamaan yang sama.

Eksekutif industri periklanan mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara, "Kim Hyun Joong, serta Lee Min-ho sangat muda dan penuh rasa percaya diri dan vitalitas. Kim Hyun Joong memiliki pesona feminin. Lee Min-ho hanya akan membuat orang merasa tarik yang kuat, tetapi juga dapat hadir produk kepada konsumen untuk merasakan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi. Orang antara 10 ~ 30 tahun mempunyai tingkat yang sangat tinggi kepercayaan pada Kim Hyun Joong's pengesahan. 40-50-tahun teman laki-laki berusia diakui Lee Min-ho dukungan produk. Situasi Kim Hyun Joong, karena perempuan yang mendukung dia berada dalam kelompok umur yang sangat luas. Kisaran produk yang bisa mendukung adalah sama. Dari minuman untuk makanan cepat saji, dan bahkan kosmetik, ponsel, dan pakaian, kelas, dan sebagainya, berbagai kebutuhan sehari-hari, Kim Hyun Joong dapat dengan mudah memahami berorientasi pasar. "

Berpartisipasi dalam BOF untuk menjadi nasional Korea Selatan Kim Hyun Joong Sunbae selalu mempunyai aktif dalam industri periklanan sebagai pemimpin kelompok berhala. Dukungan mulai dari produk-produk berhala tradisional, ada 5-6 eof total jenis produk pengesahan. Lee Min Ho memiliki total lebih dari 10 produk yang sedikit lebih banyak dari Kim Hyun Joong.

Tapi kuantitas tidak selalu yang paling penting. Kim Hyun Joong iklan dukungan selalu berbicara titik. Shooting sebeumnya tonymoly iklan baru, interaksi dari model perempuan, kita melihat yang seksi dan laki-laki tampan dengan kecantikan laki-laki. Namun, ketika berada di dasar dukungan pakaian rumah, Kim Hyun Joong menyimpan sisi feminin Amerika Serikat, benar-benar menunjukkan wajah seorang pria yang bergaya, dengan mudah untuk mencerna berbagai pakaian trendi. Dengan set pakaian yang berbeda dengan memasukkan bahasa tubuh yang berbeda untuk menarik perhatian publik, cukup untuk memamerkan model prostage kualifikasi. Dukungan iklan ini adalah mengambil alih dari tangan laki-laki tradisional kecantikan Hyun Bin, pesonanya yang menakjubkan.

Dalam survei terbaru ditemukan, Kim Hyun Joong sebagai juru bicara dari ayam goreng hotsun membuatnya periklanan yang paling populer juru bicara No 3 (19%). Samsung Electronics sihir lubang bidikan iklan dengan Lee Min Ho bahkan setelah peluncuran selama 6 minggu, lebih dari 200.000 unit yang dijual. Setelah iklan ini dirilis, kenaikan saham Samsung Electronics segera membuat pasar sangat aktif. Hasil ini membuat Kim Hyun Joong muncul sebagai iklan yang paling populer pada tahun 2009 yang diterima juru bicara 27,1% tingkat dukungan, juga Korea Selatan Yahoo seniman tempat pertama pencarian.

Lalu pada tahun 2010 yang merupakan hasil dari "bunga laki-laki" di industri periklanan?

Saat ini kami menantikan Kim Hyun Joong kegiatan karena penyelidikan mencerminkan bahwa Kim Hyun Joong adalah bintang iklan paling diantisipasi tahun ini. 19.1% dari responden berpikir bahwa ia akan mengalahkan tempat kedua Lee Min-ho, untuk menjadi catatan tinggi dari biaya pengesahan bintang tahun ini. Tahun ini hanya satu baru saja dimulai, Kim Hyun Joong telah diberi empat kontrak dukungan.
Pengiklan juga menunjukkan bahwa "Kim Hyun Joong terdiversifikasi akan memiliki lebih banyak kegiatan dalam periklanan dan drama di masa mendatang, sehingga dapat diharapkan untuk mendukung hati para pendengarnya akan lebih upgrade."

Sumber: newsen, ss501fighting

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Some News Scan Ku Hye Sun & Fahrenheit film MV to promote Taiwan

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Master filming of the Northeast - highly confidential

source : Beijing Youth Daily
YORK reporter yesterday was informed by the Sil-Metropole Organization, Jet Tone Films, Wong Kar-Wai 8 years of painstaking preparations for the film "Great Master" has been in the Northeast turn the film brings together Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Benshan, Song Hye Kyo, Zhang Zhen and other stars. At present, Zhang Ziyi and Song Hye Kyo are in hard training effort, as the role played by Zhang Ziyi was cast set to a high degree of confidentiality.

"Great Master" about the martial master Yip Man's legend is currently filming the outskirts of Shenyang, an important scenes took place outdoors, Xifen focus on Zhang Ziyi and Zhao Benshan body. There are rumors that Zhang Ziyi plays before Ms. Ye Wen, followed by transmission of its playing strength is a kung fu master of the northern women. The information related to this right, the film crew had been treated as highly confidential and prevent disclosure.

Wong Kar-Wai film is not the customary script, so the contents of the film are his actors in the studio listening to the provisional tell, every one into the group of actors and staff must sign confidentiality agreements. Shenyang temperatures close to minus 30 degrees Celsius has recently reached 50-year low. Whenever he finished a shot and was wearing a thin costumes Zhang Ziyi must hurry to drink a bowl of warm ginger body, eat a few pieces of chocolate to add heat.

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cr : Halo21@soompi

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Master filming of the Northeast - highly confidential

source : Beijing Youth Daily

YORK reporter yesterday was informed by the Sil-Metropole Organization, Jet Tone Films, Wong Kar-Wai 8 years of painstaking preparations for the film "Great Master" has been in the Northeast turn the film brings together Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi, Zhao Benshan, Song Hye Kyo, Zhang Zhen and other stars. At present, Zhang Ziyi and Song Hye Kyo are in hard training effort, as the role played by Zhang Ziyi was cast set to a high degree of confidentiality.

"Great Master" about the martial master Yip Man's legend is currently filming the outskirts of Shenyang, an important scenes took place outdoors, Xifen focus on Zhang Ziyi and Zhao Benshan body. There are rumors that Zhang Ziyi plays before Ms. Ye Wen, followed by transmission of its playing strength is a kung fu master of the northern women. The information related to this right, the film crew had been treated as highly confidential and prevent disclosure.

Wong Kar-Wai film is not the customary script, so the contents of the film are his actors in the studio listening to the provisional tell, every one into the group of actors and staff must sign confidentiality agreements. Shenyang temperatures close to minus 30 degrees Celsius has recently reached 50-year low. Whenever he finished a shot and was wearing a thin costumes Zhang Ziyi must hurry to drink a bowl of warm ginger body, eat a few pieces of chocolate to add heat.

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cr : Halo21@soompi

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South Korea actress whitening techniques

The same as the Asians, South Korea actress's skin is similar to the whitening is the pursuit of excellence. Actress their whitening method, is often the public MM keen to learn a model, many people like Chinese actress whitening methods, there are some people are die-hard followers of Han, in the end is you who should be a good example of whitening trip it?

Take a look at China and South Korean actresses in Pace Wu, Song Hye Kyo, Ya, Jun Ji-hyun, Maggie Cheung, Kim Hee-sun, big S, Choi Ji-woo, Annie, Jang Nara their whitening PK, who is even better skill.

Pace Wu V Song Hye Kyo

Pace: The Great S is called the real "beauty king" has been that the whitening from the inside out, which is the secret of Kampo whitening maintenance, will be Angelica, white Poria, etc. more than 10 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine mixture, and then apply to the face, reaching whitening effect.

Song Hye Kyo: Song Hye Kyo has always been very white skin whitening focus on conservation, see the new whitening products will be actively trying to, obviously a direct effect. In addition, the lemonade of Song Hye Kyo whitening slimming is also helpful.

2 women :

Pace Wu's approach is too complicated, students MM difficult to achieve, most of her attention is her model figure.

Song Hye Kyo is known as Korea's "Snow White" it's easier to achieve the whitening method, slightly better.

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cr : Halo21@soompi

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Sol Kyung-gu, Kang Dong-won, Song Hye Kyo, Kim Min-joon starring film "Busan" is now titled "Camellia"

'Camellia' is written in English, ' the 'eternal love transcending time and space', 'Waiting for a firm commitment, and the flowers are known to pose. 

1970 Iron Man dressed as a background push (syawanasayi [Michael Shaowanasai] min) is a spy and an unidentified man (June, am) of the space-time cross-unconventional love story 'iron lion king (push-irons), the current Background Pusan film are cinematographer (Sol Kyung-gu min), the mystery woman (Yuriko Yomini cooperaka [Yositaka yuriko]) falling in love with fantasy melodrama 'kamome (Yurikamome), geunmirae industrialization of love memories of lost love Kang Dong-looking , fatal love story starring Song Hye Kyo 'love for sale (Love Po sale), is meant to embrace a blanket.

Additionally, Camellia is a means to 'Dongbaek Island', 'Camellia' as a symbol of Busan, the word is popularly known as 'Camellia' and 'Camellia' an official in Busan Sihwa (市花) and simok (市 木) also.

Already Sol Kyung-gu, Kang Dong-won, Song Hye Kyo, Kim Min-joon's top stars, etc., as well as Korea, Japan, Thailand, the luxury of learning to cast a big impact on domestic savings, Camellia (camellia) 'Busan in the past, present and future, to penetrate Story of Love, January 15 directed by Jang Jun-hwan of South Korea 'love for sale (Love Po sale) of keuraengkeuin started to plunge into full-fledged shooting.

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Overseas Work back to the Song Hye Kyo & Jeon Ji Hun - Why?

To represent the Republic of Korea is the top actress Song Hye Kyo and Jeon Ji Hun, each with a small horse, not selecting overseas work has attracted interest in the background. Song Hye-kyo of the Year 'one up' with director Wong Kar-wai, Jeon is scheduled to release in 2011 directed by Wayne Wang 'stories and secrets of the debt' to return to the screen.

Optimal Transformation of the Image - Exposure vs Action

Jeon, stories and secrets of the debt 'in jinryen (金莲) appeared together on Zhang Ziyi will take the role. The film dealt with a gay actor to work to higher levels of exposure are known in the community. Chinese media, as well as South Korea's Jeon Ji-interested enough in the water level exposed.

Song Hye Kyo also film one up 'through the action genre for a new challenge. 'One up' on the biography film about Bruce Lee's master Southern yeopmunui gonando actors' actions as required by the smoke. After determining that the martial arts movie starring Song Hye-kyo and studying languages and sold in the said.

Both actors have in common is the nation's seonboyeotdeon fixed image that is to drastically beoteodeonjin. Which they now rely on their own separate from the domestic to the same genre is difficult to be in a movie is significant. Some of the CF due to hit hardened image tate narrow genre of choice will be difficult to look for a new look. A relatively wide range of international films unsin existing action or exposure to difficult to try and be more gwagamhal nothing is clear.

Everyone Dreams ○ myeonggamdok Meet - Wayne Wang vs Wong Kar Wai

Song Hye Kyo and Jeon Ji Hun also got the chance to work with foreign masters. Jeon's works' narrative and the secret fan of the well-known in the United States coach Wayne King. Born in Hong Kong received his film education in the U.S. film 'Smoke' (1995), winner of the Berlin International Film Festival has eungomsang.

Song Hye-kyo's work 'one up' also is a famous Hong Kong film director Wong Kar-wai's new movie. Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai jeonyoung geumsangjang Awards and Cannes Film Festival Best Director award is directed by a proven ability suspicious. 'As Tears Go By' dark sunglasses, he is an impressive debut as a director is famous for.

Song Hye Kyo and Jeon through this opportunity, China is the world's attention is directed to work with supervision. The director's work was recognized in overseas markets abroad for sex work as a movie production stage manager, such as are international. Working with such international myeonggamdok anyone with a desire to learn is worth pursuing.

Taiwanese Power ○ Tickets - My Sassy Girl vs Full House

Jeon movie 'My Sassy Girl' and 'you are my girlfriend, etc. in Japan, Greater China, including China, became popular in the large. The film 'My Sassy Girl' remake the film in Japan and the United States creates about creating some sort of syndrome. Greater China since the appearance of the various CF Jeon, etc. was not difficult to meet local promotion, such as visiting the airport attack was a common thing.

Song Hye Kyo the series 'Autumn Tale' and 'Full House', etc. became popular in Greater China. Song Hye Kyo in China and promote the car when you visit dozens of reporters and hundreds of fans gathered at the airport when you arrive the airport base and his staff say even those mobilized to protect the Song Hye Kyo. The drama 'Full House' in the Philippines, Thailand and the Philippines have been exported to 14 countries in the remake of drama 'Full House' was built, sometimes broadcast.

The learning for a long time in Japan, the Philippines, including a love of the fans were in Greater China. They learn Chinese, Taiwanese film director working on a film when it makes sense to receive great attention. China is already the media attention to the two actors' moves are gondusewoogo.

Into the Footsteps of Hollywood - The Story and The Secret Fan vs 1 up

Jeon is already film 'Blood' (2009) to the Hollywood beat. 'Blood' was never a big box office, but has shown potential as an action star. Jeon is the film's story and the secret fan, once again through the world to know the name of another Hollywood work is also expected to challenge. 'Narrative of the Liabilities of the secrets of mateun director Wayne Wang Film and commercial film director in the United States with both a sense of high reputation.

Hallyu star Song Hye-kyo early 2000s that emerged since the class of director Wong Kar-wai invited to the VIP screening and has been linked with a steady. Korea-US joint venture in 2008 movie 'poetry' has attempted to interview overseas. The 'one up' starring Song Hye-kyo of the authentic work overseas as he works through this if the future unfolds an impressive acting debut in Hollywood as well ongoing international activities are expected to be available.

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Hyekyo has been shooting CF from 7-9Jan in NZ Christchurch and returned to Seoul on 10Jan.

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Kim BUm - Being confident as a teenager

Menjadi 21 tahun? Mari kita coba untuk menggambarkan aktor bernama Kim Bum.

Berada di sebuah "ambigu" usia 21, Kim Bum dapat dianggap sebagai laki-laki atau seorang remaja. Seperti orang lain yang suka memakai hoodies dan sepatu, Kim gelandangan yang banyak bicara dan mudah pergi, dan tersenyum banyak. Sulit untuk gambar dari bagian mana dari tubuhnya melakukan semua gerak dan ekspresi karismatik cairan keluar?

Selama penembakan istirahat, Kim Bum memberi orang rasa jarak ketika ia memegang sebuah buku dengan nama yang rumit. Dia seseorang yang rumit, bahkan dari kesan pertama. Mungkin ini adalah perbedaan antara aktor usia dan orang lain. Ketika mendengar orang yang menggunakan klise dari "Ketika aku masih di usia ini," bukannya memperlihatkan jijik, ia memberikan senyum yang rendah hati. Ketika ia berbicara tentang mimpi-mimpinya, ia mengungkapkan rasa percaya diri untuk unggul dalam segala hal "bahkan jika aku mematahkan rahang," sesuatu yang tampak dalam perannya dari "Dream."

Menjadi rasional sebagai laki-laki

Mungkin itu karena memulai debutnya pada usia yang cukup muda, Kim gelandangan terlihat jauh lebih bijaksana dan lebih dewasa daripada kebanyakan dari teman-temannya. Alih-alih mengatakan ia dewasa awal, lebih baik untuk mengatakan bahwa dia di jalan dengan pandangan yang jelas tentang apa yang di depan. Dia tahu jalan macam apa dia harus membawa serta bagaimana untuk sampai ke tempat tujuannya. Kim Bum ini adalah impian, ingin menjadi aktor besar.

Ketika ditanya tentang pengalamannya sebagai tuan rumah di Bisang, Kim Bum menyatakan, "Ketika Schooler tinggi Bum Shi memutuskan untuk menjadi tuan rumah, itu karena ia tidak punya alternatif lain. Pada paruh pertama cerita, ia bertemu dengan Soo Kyeong, yang sangat istimewa baginya. Cerita digambarkan dia menjadi tuan rumah untuk melindunginya. "Sementara media Bisang dibandingkan dengan" Beastie Boys "(Yoon Kye Sang) dan" Dirty Carnival "(Jo In Sung), Kim Bum berkata bahwa Bisang adalah proyek pertama setelah "Boys Over Flowers", dan itu adalah proyek pertama di mana ia mendarat laki-laki memimpin.

T: Alasan untuk memilih Bisang?

Saya tidak dapat menyangkal bahwa aku tidak bersemangat untuk memainkan memimpin laki-laki dalam proyek ini. Namun itu bukan alasan utama untuk mengambil peran ini. Bagi saya, ada dua alasan. Pertama, Bisang adalah film pertama dari sutradara Park; kedua, itu adalah kesempatan untuk menantang diri saya sendiri.

T: Tampaknya Anda selalu memainkan peran lebih tua dari diri sendiri?

Ya, aku mengambil banyak peran yang lebih tua, seperti remaja di Timur Eden dan Jadi Yi Jeong dari Boys Over Flowers. Jadi, Yi Jeong adalah seorang pemuda dengan latar belakang keluarga yang rumit. Di sisi lain, Lee Jang Seok dari Dream tumbuh dari seorang pencopet untuk petinju sungguhan.

T: kelemahan Anda sebagai seorang aktor?

Aku tidak punya cukup waktu, itu dia!

Q: Apakah karena proyek Anda yang lain?

Aku menyelesaikan tiga proyek dalam satu tahun. Ketika aku mengikuti jadwal lain sementara untuk sebuah proyek film, selalu ada semacam penyesalan. Ketika saya menerima naskah, saya selalu ingin masuk ke karakter saya, tapi sayangnya aku pergi dengan hanya satu minggu untuk melakukannya. Penyesalan terbesar saya adalah melelahkan tubuhku dari kurangnya waktu dan semua pekerjaan berat.

source: bumsso

cr : Riry

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[VIDEO] Lee Min Ho - making of Dunkin Donuts CF

credits: naver
source: minozvietnam
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[VIDEO] Rain - I Do ala Jang Geun Suk

source: kikirox

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Clip + Pict Hyunbin @ Japan [Press Conference]

cr : as labelled, hyunbin7@youtube, binyuming,mabinnie@soompi

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100114 udn - Ku Hye Sun & Fahrenheit film MV to promote Taiwan

cr : natali@soompi

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[PHOTO] F4 on set of TV series "Boys Over Flowers"

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F3 lagi siap-siap mau syuting BBF di Desa Yangpyeong inggris di Provinsi Gyeonggi Korea Selatan pada tanggal 8 Februari 2009. ( KHJ mana yah? )

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Kim Joon dan Lee Min Ho lagi santai di tengah break syuting

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Akhirnya syuting mulai lagi, wah..mereka keren banget pas adegan ini..;)

Editor : Jessica Kim
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>
shared by willenette@soompi

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